Monday, September 5, 2011

Bella’s Travels

Granddaughter Bella embarked on a diplomatic goodwill tour of the U.S. West Coast, spanning Seattle to L.A.

Beginning with her grandmother in Sacramento (it was a surprise appearance), Bella sent a strong message to all of California’s gridlocked politicians: visit your grandma.

Taking a historical perspective next, Bella trekked to Monterey, which was California’s first state capitol. She pieced together one of the great puzzles (it has about forty pieces – pretty amazing feat at age 2 ½) and tasted miniature pita bread (“I’ll have one bite of this one, and then this one, and then this one ….”). She bravely explored our vast residence (all 1,550 square feet of it) in search of our three cats.

A fashion show (see photo above) was followed by a graceful display of ballet improvised to Mozart’s Symphony No. 4 in G minor (when she was slated to munch dinner instead).

Next day saw Bella dipping her toe into Carmel Bay, taking caution to avoid its epic beach break.   

Silly grandpa tried to teach her to roll down the sandy hill near the volleyball courts, but it was her own dad who gave her a rolling, downhill, full-on giggling ride-of-her-life.

Bella topped off her peninsula tour with a walk on Fisherman’s Wharf and a visit to the offices of Thompson Jones LLP (she seemed rather unimpressed with the professional environs).

We’re not sure yet what transpired in LA (no doubt she transformed that town for the better as well), but she left a deep impression on us all, and left behind many valuable lessons: enjoy your food, dance often, play at the beach, and sleep can always wait just a little longer.  Also, listening to your elders is way overrated. 

Bella's laughter and leg-hugging ways will be long remembered here, fondly. Must get to Seattle soon!