As I write this, it is raining steadily. Yesterday, it was predicted to start not long after sunrise. But when I checked at 6 am, the ETA had been moved to after 11 am. Winds were already in the southeast and a few gusts told me not to go.
But I had promised myself I would load up the paddleboard and take DeeAnn to Monterey for her Sunday run. I ran late yesterday on the chance I could paddle today because it had been windy all day -- too windy for me, anyway.
Yesterday morning started with a 50-minute drive to New Brighton State Beach. I pulled into the lot just before 7 and right behind Nick, my paddling partner. We took one look at the blown out conditions and we were over it. Then we took a second look and quickly agreed to head for Capitola and Zelda’s for coffee. I was disappointed that we missed our first ten-miler of the spring. It couldn’t be helped.
So, now it’s Sunday morning, still dark, and I’m loading up on the off chance things will be different over in the bay.
They were. The Southeaster stayed light for the whole paddle, and the conditions north of the wharfs were clean. The paddle back to San Carlos Beach featured a tailwind. As I loaded up the board, a few odd drops of rain fell. It held off until we got home. Then the storm blew in convincingly while we enjoyed homecooked scrambled eggs, French toast strada with mango, bacon and coffee.
Now and then, it’s nice to win a bet!
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