Saturday, February 5, 2011

Postcards from Maui – Day 8

We witnessed the unfolding of dawn from the upper deck of Ocean Discovery, a Pacific Whale Foundation vessel. From the moment Lahaina Harbor was behind us, we got what we came to see and then some. Best line from the safety announcement on how to don flotation vests: “Once you have secured your vest and you are in the water, continue your adventure.” We have been on many of these cruises over more than ten years. None compared to this.

As we headed southeast, Haleakala shifted into view (all 10,020 feet of her) and the sun duly rose over her peak.

Sun rising over Haleakela in the distance


A pod formed just off our port side. At first they were pointed in the same direction, just floating. You might guess this was going to be low-key. But this was a competition pod. Things were, in fact, about to get intense.

What’s the competition you ask? It might be enough to say they are all males, who are competitive and seeking females. You get the picture. It’s not a fight to the death, but imagine the tonnage. And the barnacles. And the moves: Head lunges. Pectoral fins. Swerves. Quick directional changes. Tail slaps. Pedunkle throws. Flukes up and all dive to take it down below. And one spectacular breach only yards away. Think Robert De Niro at his most menacing: "Let's swim. You and me. Now. I'm talking to YOU. Swim. NOW."

Our captain deftly followed the pod for well over an hour – not too close, not too far, not too fast, not too slow. Just right. Eventually, one tired male swam away from the pod. He had clearly had enough.

There are no words to describe it. Here are a few of the pictures. I wish I could add sound.

Pedunkel throw
The weather changed a bit by the end of the day. These are from the property where we are staying.

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